My youngest had been doing average for the last couple of weeks. No major meltdowns, no major bad days. Just the usual run of the mill never stop moving, screaming instead of using words, not getting in carseat without a battle every other time, refusal to eat, trouble know, just the usual daily stuff. Today though is A BAD DAY.
Today, he MUST spin continously. I am typing while sitting on the coffee table (I thank God for wireless keyboards) as Pook as commanderred my desk chair. It spins. So, while typing on the coffee table, I am reaching over every little bit to spin him. Attempts for us to eat lunch were unsuccessful. He completely melted down and my file box got dumped out, things got thrown, and he repeatedly beat on himself while screaming. So, we have taken turns eating today. I ate while his sister spinned and now she eats while I spin.
Through all of this today we are listening to the same song over and over and over and over again. It's his favorite song, "Every Move I Make" by Integrity Music.
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