
Monday, April 7, 2014


The fact that I've had to make this list says much about me and what I have lowered my standards to in the past three years. However, I'm printing the checklist and hanging it on my fridge. If a man doesn't meet the requirements, then forget about him!

100% HONEST 100% OF THE TIME (this is by far the biggest)
Faithful and monogamous
Supports self financially
Supports his children financially
Manages his own responsibilities by taking the initiative to do so
Has stable employment
Has a vehicle (or if in town a mode of transportation that he utilizes such as subway, bicycle, etc)
Is honorable
Knows what he believes in and will fight for it
Does not hang out with or associate with known drug abusers or alcoholics (unless he's their therapist)
Does not use, manipulate, take advantage of, con, trick, bully, mislead, rob, insult, talk negatively about, back stabs, or hurts another human being in any way, shape or form.
Has goals for their life and are working towards those goals.

I'm sure I"ll add to the list as time goes on. However this seems a pretty good start.

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