
Sunday, January 1, 2012

My New Year's Accommodations

Well, I can honestly say that my New Year's did not go as I planned. I had planned to spend this New Years the same way I have spent the last 14...curled up in bed with my kiddoes, bed piled high with snacks, and watching the ball drop. We always talk about the events of the past year, and what we hope to accomplish in the upcoming year. We eat lots of junk food, cuddle and critique the bands that play.

However, this year, just as the ball was dropping....I was having an IV blow out! Yep, I was in the hospital. 

I'm not even going to go into the long story of how I ended up here, or why I'm still here. Let's just say I've been in massive pain since Wednesday and docs are still trying to get it worked out. The docs have made it very clear I'm not leaving until they get it all figured out and I'm no longer in pain. The pain started the last day of October, so frankly, I'm ready for it to go away as well.

One of my goals for this year is to try to look at things in a more positive perspective. So, I'm going to start today! I'm in the hospital, I'm in pain, and I could whine and complain alot right now. Instead, I'm going to look at the bright side! So, here goes.....

1: The constant nausea is a sure fire bet that I'm going to lose weight
2: I don't have to do any housework
3: I don't have to wash laundry since all I'm allowed to wear is a gown
4: I get to wear a stylish, comfortable, gown that shows any in the room my derriere. Wondering how this is a positive? Well, if I want to get rid of someone, I just crawl to of the bed! ;)  
5: I am now throughly educated on the best place to place an IV, where not to place an IV, and what an IV feels like just before it blows. 
6: Should I feel like it, I have access to cable television. 
7: I've been here so long the nutrition guy knows be my name and even knows how I like my tray being left!
8. I get these cute little leftover treats from the hospital holiday party.

9. It's legal for me to get "high" now.
10. I have people come check on me every little bit!
11. I don't have to shave!

OK, so obviously I'm really struggling with this whole optimistic looking at the bright side. I'm trying though. I have my laptop and  I also can watch Netflix which has an assortment of inspirational movies (watch The Encounter). The doctors are promising to make sure I am well before sending me home, unlike the hospital that released me Wednesday, which thus resulted in my passing out on my bathroom floor!

Most important, I have God. He's right here with me and He loves me. God is good, ALL THE TIME.

PS. This blog was written under the influence of legally administered prescription medications and under duress of extreme pain. Therefore, any and all statements are to be taken with that in consideration. That person that shows up to visit has to help me shower!

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