
Thursday, March 22, 2012


This morning I woke up with the usual hustle and bustle of trying to get out the door, with 3 kids, to a therapy appointment scheduled very early and to far away. As usually happens, Murphy decided to make an appearance complete with last minute bathroom breaks, clorox spilled everywhere and a dog that got loose and wouldn't come inside.

I was frustrated, aggravated, and irritated.

Then I got a text. Someone decided to tell me good morning. For no other reason then that they could.

Then, a bit later, I got a phone call. Someone calling just to make me laugh.

Laughter.....I realized that this is something that has been lacking from my life for way to long. I laugh at funny stuff in movies....I laugh when someone says or does something humorous. But a deep down laugh that fills your soul....that's been gone for a while.

Well, it's back now. I've laughed more in the last few days then I have in months combined. It feels good. I feel younger. I have more energy. The sun seems to shine brighter.

Laughter is good. It's one of those things that slips away from you, without your even noticing. It gets bogged down under responsibility, stress, fears and heartache.

If you aren't laughing, then you need to be. Find that person that always made you laugh. Call them.

We all need laughter.

Special thanks to the person that realized I needed to laugh.... a lot!

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