
Monday, March 26, 2012

Self Growth

Self growth......I truly believe that it is the most exciting, wonderful, torturous, awful, heart rending, spiritually lifting journey in life.

Self growth comes in many different forms. There is the growth that you are unaware of. It happens as you march through each day, lingering always in the background of your mind. It never really shows itself except in a reflective state. The times when you are relaxed and suddenly reflect on a time long ago, realizing that you are not that person today. 

Self growth also comes in a determined fashion. You realize that there is an area that needs repair, and you set out to conquer it. These, in my opinion, often seem to be the easiest to master. That is, in part, due to our willingness of what we will and will not accept about ourselves. As human beings, we tend to more readily accept the flaws about ourselves that aren't as revealing about our true nature. It's much easier to say, "I need to quit raising my voice when upset" or "I need to quit smoking"  then it is to say, "I feel very insecure when I am in this particular situation". 

There are those though, that are willing to claim the flaws that are more revealing. They look at what needs to be changed, and although they know it's going to be a long and difficult path, the push forward keeping their eyes on the end result that they seek. They have an undeniable faith that they cling to, knowing that with each step, they are that much closer to a freedom they have yet to know.

There are those that stay in a constant movement of growth and change. They are alert throughout each day. they seek to find ways that they can grow. They understand that the only absolutes in this world are that each day we will each die. They are continuously soul searching. They hold on to their thoughts and beliefs yet understand that at any point in time, they may learn that truths they hold dear may alter and change. When presented with the option to change, they examine it to determine if the change will result in their own self-growth. These are the people that look at each situation and weigh the pros and cons of it. Knowing that nothing is ever completely positive or totally negative. Although they seek to understand the "big picture" they know that the "big picture" is made up of an infinite number of tiny, even oftentimes minuscule moments. It is these moments that they exert the most energy into, making sure that each moment of their life is a learning experience prompting change.

Then there are those that fear change. People fear change for many different reasons, maybe even innumerable reasons. They may fear the uncomfortable feeling that comes with change, the "newness" that they are not familiar with. Some may fear not being able to see the end result. Others have grown so accustomed to their way of life, that to change would feel as if they've lost their identity.

Some go through life never aware that there is such a thing as self growth. These are the people that you can go without seeing for 5 years, but then know how they will approach a problem or how they will respond to an event.

At the opposite end of the extreme are those who stay constantly changing, but with no real thought or growth behind it. They flit from one thing to the next, never really knowing what they themselves truly think of feel. They follow the latest fad, follow everyone's advise, and often seem to be losing a depth about them that others have.

I've thought alot about self growth and change over the last few months. I've been faced with circumstances that again prompted me to examine many of the beliefs and truths I held dear. I have identified flaws that I had let seep into my character, and have faced them with a vengeance. I have recognized areas that I had let grow stagnant, even areas that I had previously focused on but somehow had fell short of the finished product. I have embraced change, knowing that with it a whole new world awaits.

Although some of the changes have caused me pain and not come easy, each day has gotten easier. I wake now with a much clearer outlook on the day. I know that each day I will have many opportunities to examine  areas of potential change. I will seek to determine what areas need change, and which ones are beneficial to my own self growth.

I have, once again, grown to love this process. The most beautiful times of my life are when I stay focused on my own self growth. I recall those periods with happiness and a self accomplishment that brings a smile to my face.

As with any change, others are affected. As I continue to grow, my path my lead me away from others. Part of self growth is realizing that sometimes self growth requires you to let go of things, and that this includes people. Sometimes, situations will present themselves that prompt you to re-examine a trait you may have. As the situation progresses, and you continue to self reflect, you may realize that no change is needed. The process has now though strengthened your resolve to cling to something that you know is beneficial for you.

Self growth......I truly believe that it is the most exciting, wonderful, torturous, awful, heart rending, spiritually lifting journey in life.

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