
Monday, March 24, 2014

True submission is not's devotion

When I first started learning about different aspects of the master/slave dynamic, I was dumbfounded. I saw men and women that were miserable, no self esteem, and serving out of fear. I didn't understand it. Then, I ran across a site that chronicled the life of a master and his two slaves. When he took in those two slaves, they were beaten down, dejected, felt worthless. They had been brutally abused and mistreated. Yet, this master built them up. He took away their day to day stresses (what to eat, what to do with their time, what to wear, etc) so that the focus could be on their emotional and mental healing. In time, they grew in amazing ways and went out into the world confident and happy. They went to college, obtained employment and were downright happy. They respected their master and their devotion to him for all that he had given them was profound. This is when I realized that I longed for that type of healing and begin to wonder if that would be the path I would take to get there.
However, that master is a rarity. He didn't take his pleasure and then give to them with "after care". He cared for them every second of every day and met their needs first. They cared for him out of true devotion, not fear. They trusted him. He believed in them.
I can never imagine trusting anyone to that extent. I can't imagine giving anyone control of my life.
But what I wouldn't do for just a short period where the stress of survival alone was removed from me.

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