
Saturday, January 10, 2015

Asperger Suicide Rates

The results are in. A study in the UK has shown that 66% of people with Aspergers are suicidal.(Stats show only 17 % of the general population and 59% of those with diagnosed psychosis are). Of the 66% of people with Asperger with suicide ideation, 35% have planned or attempted suicide. 31% reported depression. It was unexpected that more people reported lifetime experience of suicidal thoughts than were depressed.    

What about children? Although the studies are still few and far between, studies have shown that children ages 1-16 with Autism have suicide ideations or attempts. 

There are a variety of ideas as to why those with Aspergers are ten times more likely to have suicide ideation than the average person. Everything from social isolation to inability to understand emotions. 

As a near-typical I can't say that I understand or know the answer. However, as a person that loves many Aspies, it appears to me that it may be due to their knowing exactly how unique they are. They see the world completely different than neuro-typs. As a result, they can not understand how people can wear blinders, be cruel, not pursue their own happiness, and more. Constantly bombarded with other people's trivial thoughts without being able to understand why people are "fake"...... and even if they do understand the logic of it, it still isn't anything they can do. 

You see, the Aspies I know don't think they belong here. They don't feel they will ever fit in. 

I hope they never do fit in. I hope they stay right here walking among us and showing the world how we are supposed to love and embrace empathy. 

Without a shadow of a doubt, I know that my life is enriched and that I am a better person simply because I know an Aspie.

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