The last few months have been so difficult for me. Trying to navigate a situation with a controlling ex-husband out to destroy my life, children with unique and special medical needs, a friend fighting cancer and so smuch more. There wasn’t enough hours in the day, enough of me to go around. Everyone kept taking and taking.
Except for my best friend.
My best friend made me laugh when all I wanted to do was cry.
My best friend kept telling me that I could get through this, that I would be ok.
My best friend didn’t go on dates so he could spend time with me through my darkness.
My best friend drove over an hour to my home to check on me one night when I’d expressed despair and then didn’t answer his calls and texts later (I was sleeping).
My best friend kept accepting me, loving me and pushing me to forgive myself for falling apart in front of my children.
In the midst of it all, I fell in love. I don’t know exactly when it happened. Just that it did. I wouldn’t think about it. I just pushed the feelings deep inside and ignored them.
Until he leaned in and kissed me. Not the kiss of a friend that just thinks we’d have good sex. The kiss of a man that cherished me.
So I asked.
He answered that he loved me and was in love with me.
We spent hours talking. We both shared so much, even tears a few times.
We drank in each other’s bodies, scent, soul. We explored and learned. We ignored the outside world and discovered each other in my bedroom, where he has been a hundred times but never touched me.
I slept last night intertwined with him after following him home. In his bed. A bed we’ve slept in several times, never touching. A bed now that felt more like a cocoon.
I don’t know where this journey will lead us.
All I know is that I fell in love with my best friend and the world is a dozen shades brighter than it’s been for months.
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