
Friday, January 13, 2012


I'm a hoarder, but a very specific hoarder. I save journal entries, calendars, blog post, photos. I save the things that can take me back to my past. To another year in time, to help me remember who I am when I lose myself.

Today, I've been digging through the years. I've realized that I've gotten lost. Well, I didn't realize it, God showed me. He set certain events in motion that brought certain memories to the forefront of my mind. Those memories set me on my quest to dig through the years. And as an archaeologist carefully lifts the layers of settled dust and dirt off the precious artifacts, I've been sifting through the years of my past.

In years past, I would have to dig many many years past. This time I found I wasn't that far gone. What I did discover was that there were so many things I've let go of. Things that I love, things that I am passionate about. The things that make me smile, laugh, glow. Things that make me stand tall. Causes to champion.

So watch out world. I may be down for the count at the moment, but it's purely a physical thing. God's healing my body, and as my physical body is healing, He's opening my mind. He's showing me the things that I dropped along the wayside. He's showing me the passions He placed in me that I left forgotten these years past.

I'm picking them up. I'm coming back. I'm dusting off my hiking boots. I'm polishing my dancing shoes. I'm getting together my domestic violence task force. I'm planning my campground for families with special needs children. I'm brushing up on my sign language. I'm going to sit by the river and read books. I'm going cast a line and drown some worms. Bald Mountain won't miss me any longer and Chaney's grave will know I've come home. My tent will be aired out and my sleeping bag will envelope my sleeping body.

Oh, and lets not forget that bucket list while I'm at it.

Oh children of prepared. Mama's got her kick back! ;-)

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