I won’t pretend that there haven’t been plenty of times I’ve made out on a first, second or even third date. Hell, I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t had sex on a first date. Yet, there been plenty of dating relationships where physical and sexual interaction didn’t happen until after we’d gotten to know each other well enough to at least know we weee beginning to be friends. What’s happened to that?
If I want to just have sex, I am not going to take the time to arrange childcare, spend a while getting dolled up, then drive an hour to meet someone. I’m not going to have sex with someone new if my intent is just sex. If I am looking for just sex I am going to go to someone I know, where I am guaranteed to get exactly what I want and seek. Why risk a ton of time and energy for sex that might turn out mediocre when a gal always knows where to go to get that which curls her toes and brings loud moans?
I do not want just sex. I haven’t for quite some time. Part of thatay he the menopause but I feel most of it is just my wanting something deeper (no pun intended).
I want to be INSPIRED.
I want to be MOTIVATED.
I want to be ENCOURAGED.
I want someone that will look at me on the days I’m so overwhelmed I simply can’t go on and push me to keep moving forward.
Someone that sees my strength and capabilities when I’ve lost sight of them.
Someone that understands gaining my friendship first means that when I do finally share my body it will be with a passion, a desire, a strength that can consume us both and envelope is completely.
It all really boils down to one thing. Just one thing I want with someone no matter what. One thing I want to have before my body is touched.
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